On June 30, 2003, I went to bed very tired. Even though I was exhausted, two hours later (at 1 a.m.), I still was not asleep. It finally dawned on me that maybe I needed to pray, so I began to pray in the Spirit. The words then came to me, “Your son needs your prayers.” Immediately I thought of one of my three sons who deals with many problems and challenges. However, my impression was that it was not him, but rather my youngest son, Bill. I wasn’t at all sure it was the Holy Spirit prompting that impression, or even saying my son needed my prayers. Therefore, I soon stopped praying. Then the words came, “Your son needs your prayers,” so I resumed praying. I stopped, and the same process repeated itself! Finally, at just after 1:30 a.m., I felt a peace and a release, and quickly fell asleep.
The next day, as I was talking to Bill, I said “This may sound strange, but was anything going on with you last night?” Much to my amazement, he said that he had awakened at 1:20 a.m. because his bed was shaking! It was shaking so hard, his wife woke up as well. His bed was shaking because he was shivering uncontrollably, and he had had a fever. It was a scary way to wake up! He said, “At 1:30 a.m., I suddenly fell back to sleep.”
Needless to say, I was astonished. Then I explained what had happened with me, and I was amazed at the timing. I had stopped praying just after he was okay and fell back to sleep. When I asked Bill how he felt, he said he felt very loved by both the Lord and me. He thanked me for being obedient to pray, even though I was tired. I felt very blessed to have had the privilege to intercede for him at just the right time, especially since I wasn’t even sure it was the Holy Spirit directing me to pray! I was once again awed by the fact that God knows everything at all times and cares so much about what is happening to us. God is good, and He speaks today!