Send Yellow Roses

    It never ceases to amaze me how God knows every detail of our lives!  When I went in for my yearly check-up at the doctor’s, there was a woman whom I barely knew who worked there.  All I really knew was that she had a son and a daughter in college, and that she was a Christian.  When I asked her how they were, she said, “Oh, you don’t know.  My daughter committed suicide.”  I was extremely shocked!  She went on to say, “My daughter was home for the weekend, and she stayed in bed most of the time.  She seemed lazy, and didn’t want to do her college work.  I was irritated with her.”

     The grief in this mother’s voice was unmistakable.  I felt so sad, and I comforted her the best I knew how, and I hugged her, which I had never done before.  When I left the office, I decided I would send her a dozen red roses.  I was going to go home and look up her address in the phone book.  As I began to pray for her, however, the words that came to me were: “Don’t send any roses now.  I will tell you when, and send yellow roses.”

    This seemed strange to me to wait.  However, I knew it wasn’t my own thought, since I wanted to do something as soon as possible to comfort this grief-stricken mother.  I continued to pray and listen for the Holy Spirit each day, as was my habit.

     About a week or so later when I was praying and listening, I had the impression that was the day to send the yellow roses.  After looking up her address, I ordered the flowers.

     That night, the woman called me.  She was crying, overwhelmed with gratitude, and thanking me profusely for the yellow roses.  She said, “I was driving home from work tonight, and I was crying.  I said, God, I just can’t take this anymore!  Please show me a sign that my daughter is alright!”  As she pulled into her driveway just then, she saw the yellow roses sitting on the porch.  She said she began to cry all the more, because God had now given her the sign she so desperately needed.

     As it turned out, yellow roses were her daughter’s favorite flowers!!!  I didn’t know that,       but He did, and He also knew the exact day that this woman would be crying out to him for       a sign!  God is good, and He speaks today!